- Name : U-Chan Seon (선우찬)
- Email : seizetheday@gm.gist.ac.kr
- git : https://github.com/SunWooChan
- blog : https://woochan-autobiography.tistory.com
- youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@seonuchan
GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology)
- Ph.D student / School of Integrated Technology (Computer Graphics Lab)
Ajou University (아주대학교)
- B.S. Degree / College of Computings and Informatics (Applied Artificial Intelligence)
- B.S. Degree / Department of Life Science (Biology)
- Ajou University BIG Lab (intern : 2021-01 ~ 2021-06)
- DR.Noah Biotech (intern : 2020-07 ~ 2020-08)
- 삼성 서울 병원 (intern : 2019-07 ~ 2019-08)
Community Activities
- 모두의연구소 풀잎스쿨 19기 "💯 딥러닝 컴퓨터비전 완벽가이드" (퍼실리에이터, 2022.04~2022.06)
- Object Detection/Segmentation (OpenCV, RCNN 계열 Detector, SPPNet, SSD, YOLO)
- 모두의연구소 풀잎스쿨 20기 "📹 기초부터 공부하는 선형대수" (2022.06~2022.08)
- Kaggle KR 스터디 : '🎢 캐글놀이터' (스터디장, ML, DL, CV, NLP, 2022.01 ~ 2022.03)
- 알고리즘 스터디 (2021.01 ~ 2021.12)
- 개발자 스터디 : '🤟 비고가 머임' (2021.10 ~ 2023.01)
- 선형대수학 스터디 (2020.01 ~ 2020.02)